The Source Experience
The process of becoming physical, our BIRTH into being human, is one of life’s MIRACLES - one that is shared by everyone. There is no time in our lives more potent and filled with possibility.
Whatever you think about the Source Experience there is no denying that it is universally inclusive and transcends species, culture, race, gender or religion. Scientific truths and procedures continue to change. Universal, sacred truths do not.The manner in which you were conceived, gestated and born is the Source Experience of your first perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, and decisions, in other words, the ‘reality’ that you began life with. Our perceptions, emotions, decisions and beliefs that are created in our earliest Source Experiences are held deep in our subconscious and stored physically at a cellular or atomic level.Perception is how we interpret the world we experience through our five senses and our thoughts; that’s the way we receive the world. Our senses are our feeling nature. Feelings are life energy registering in the body. Emotion is that sensing energy or sensation moving in the body and being interpreted by the mind. Until we become aware of how the body/mind works, our perception is often based on our past experience or memories of the past stored in our subconscious database. We see the world through a filter of our own predetermined beliefs based on our experiences and expectations. Our perceptions influence our creative process! Perception is a vital aspect of manifestation.
As we progress further into the 21st century, the question increasingly being asked by scientists and individuals is: Do we have the ability to influence and shape our first impression of what it is to be human?
It is important to first acknowledge the power and possibility inherent in the Source Experience. Once awake to the effects, it would be tragic if we continue to ignore our ability to influence this source process. A growing body of scientific and experiential evidence suggests that we CAN learn to be conscious participants in the process.
The memories of our Source Experience (conception to 1 year) are not generally conscious, yet they are held in our body-mind or cellular memory. Many young children report memories of their gestation and birth even up to the age of 5. One psychiatrist and mother were shocked when her 3-year-old daughter began to tell her about her birth during her evening bath. Although her training had taught her that we don’t remember, there was no denying. The mother said, “I was there. I was part of that story.” Other small children are fascinated with watching videos of their births when available. The significance of these early experiences is hidden and often dismissed as not being of value when analysing the source of our perceptions and beliefs. In actual fact, they are the foundation from which everything else is created. They work a little like the operating system in your computer, functioning below the level of your conscious awareness and providing the basis for subsequent thoughts, decisions, and actions. To understand your own reality, it is important to be open to the idea that you were consciously sensing, perceiving, evaluating, and having a learning experience from the very beginning. This is the first step into expanding your awareness of the foundations your life has been built upon. Setting aside the logic, reasoning, and programming of your rational mind will allow you to access the knowledge and wisdom that is stored in your limbic, mammalian (non-verbal) brain, and reptilian (instinctual) brain.
Binnie A Dansby & Lynne Thorsen 2013
(The above is a compilation of excerpts from a book that we are currently working on about The impact of the Source Experience and will be released in 2016)