The SOURCE Forgiveness Process
You will receive a 1 1/2 hour Personal One to One Skype session which awakens you to the truth about Forgiveness. You will then experience the SOURCE ForGiving Process. This process is extremely powerful when the guidelines are followed correctly. It has the potential to liberate you from life long feelings of negativity and limitation.At the end of this session you will receive an MP3 of the 'The SOURCE Forgiveness Process' to continue the practice until complete
What is Forgiveness?
A Course in Miracles says;
Forgiveness is the key to happiness! Forgiveness is acquired, it must be learned! Forgiveness stands between illusions and truth! Who Forgives is healed! Without forgiveness the mind is in chains, believing in its own futility. Yet with forgiveness does the light shine through the dream of darkness, offering it hope, and giving it the means to realise the freedom that is its inheritance. I love questions, and last week I received a wonderful one!
What is your definition of FORGIVENESS? Now this is one of my favourite subjects. I have been teaching workshops on the subject for many years and it is Program Four in the Soul Birthing programs. I answered: Forgiveness is the release of resentment. It is the realisation that to hold the thought that you have been wronged in any way simply causes detriment to your body and mind. Resentment separates you from your true nature. Holding onto resentment, resending negative thoughts about some one or some thing, is like taking poison and expecting ‘the other’ to die. Forgiveness does not require that we approve of the ‘action' we perceived as wrong. It means that that ‘action’ no longer interrupts our flow of Life Energy. It no longer has any power or attraction. Forgiveness sets us free to express our truth freely. Forgiveness opens our hearts and makes room for ‘I love you!’ Binnie A Dansby, 29 October 2014 "I believe that life is for giving your gift, for being of service and receiving the love and support that is abundant and available. You heal and reveal the love and peace inside when you slow down, take a deep breath, and CHOOSE to change mistaken thinking that you have lived. CHOOSE 'I am safe', 'I am surrounded by love and support', 'There is an abundance of love for me', 'I am the one who chooses', I am innocent and worthy of trust', 'My true expression is welcome!' and you can then step out into life from that new source to give what you have discovered. Centered in peace, each action is experienced by the one who gives and the one who receives as an 'act of forgiveness'"
Source Process & Breathwork Training Materials © Binnie A Dansby 2004 |
The SOURCE Forgiveness ProcessPersonal One to One Skype Session (1 1/2 hrs)
Instructional teaching on Forgiveness SOURCE ForGiving Process SOURCE Forgiveness MP3 The SOURCE Forgiveness MP3Forgiveness is the key to Happiness - A Course in Miracles
This MP3 features 2 tracks, the first is called the Morning Prayer, which is a 6 minute daily process designed to reprogram your negativity and set you on a path of positive manifestation and loving experiences. Track 2 is 'The Forgiveness Process', a process designed to heal the Source relationship you have with yourself. |