In this program you will learn daily practices and techniques that ensure you can commit to your personal transformation with sustainable ease
What is Commitment?
Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality! It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions and it is the actions that speak louder than your words. It is making time when there is none. It is coming through time after time, year after year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over scepticism. ANON
In this process we look at commitment to self and set up a daily practice that is easy to maintain and joyful to perform. Included is a healing breath session that will focus on clearing any blockages and allowing the energy to flow freely so that you can find the vibrational match between your thoughts and feelings.
Commitment is the first step in loving and being compassionate with yourself. Commitment does not mean struggle. Commitment is recognising that you deserve all of your love and that you are worthy of happiness and satisfaction that comes with aligning with the person you were meant to be. Daily practices of meditation, affirmations, visualisations, journalling, connections, hugs and listening in all serve to align you with your true purpose. Once you are aligned then you can help the people around you to discover their truths too!
Personal One to One Skype Session (1 1/2hrs) Introduction to Daily Practices and the philospphy of personal Committment Your choice of an ISET or Breathwork Session